Thursday, October 6, 2016

How I Lost 75lbs In Only 12 Weeks With This New Weight Loss System

 The Change Your Life Diet

Would you like to lose weight quickly and easily without having to do strenuous exercises or go to the gym? … and without having to give up any of your favorite foods? Are you tired of falling for all the gimmicks out there like “miracle” diet pills and those “extreme” exercise DVD's ... which are simply too difficult? Then I have the solution for you! … Your Permanent Weight Loss Solution!

The common perception is that diet and exercise go hand in hand … that you need to include an exercise program if you want to lose weight, and that if you simply change your diet it will take you a very long time to see any results. Well I'm living proof that this is NOT TRUE, because I lost 75 pounds in only 12 weeks using an amazing diet that an old friend told me about.

I know what you're going through, because I've been there! I was in the exact same situation you are in now. After having children I had such a hard time losing weight. I was so embarrassed and humiliated with the way I looked. It seemed like all of my friends were slim and sexy, and that only I was the “fat” one. I had no motivation, I never had any energy, and I was starting to get depressed. I was disgusted with myself when I looked in the mirror. I couldn't fit into any of my clothes and I'd have to continually buy larger sizes. But the worst part is that my husband wouldn't even look at me (but I'd catch him looking at other women).

How I Lost 75lbs In Only 12 Weeks With This New Weight Loss System

I was so desperate to lose weight. I tried so many diets … you name it, I tried it. But none of them worked for me in the long run. Sure I'd lose some weight at first, but then I'd put it all back on, and more …  the classic yo-yo dieting pattern. I was so determined to lose weight, that I even signed up for a gym membership, and bought countless exercise DVD's thinking they were the answer … but I was wrong. It seems between work and the kids, I never had the time or the energy to exercise regularly … nor did I actually want to. So, I kept putting it off.

Then by chance, I ran into an old friend of mine from college. I was stunned by how lean she was and by how absolutely amazing she looked. I asked her what her secret was, and she told me it was The Change Your Life Diet. She was shocked that I had never heard of it before because it was very popular over social media. She told me she followed that diet many years ago and lost 34 pounds in about 4 and a half weeks. And it didn't require her to give up her favorite foods or to do any exercising at all. I told her I'd look into it but that I was about to try some new detox diet first. But she insisted that I forget about anything I've ever tried before, and start The Change Your Life Diet NOW … because it is the real thing, and it truly works!

I was a bit skeptical, but she would NOT take no for an answer, so I decided to try it … And all I can say is WOW! It really did work like she said it would have. The very first day I lost 2 pounds … in the first week I lost 8 pounds … in the first month I lost 30 pounds … and when it was all said and done, I lost an incredible 75 pounds in just 12 weeks! Not only did I lose all the “baby” weight that I wanted to lose, but I lost even more weight and got back down to what I weighed when I was in my early 20's. I was hoping to lose 60 pounds, but to lose 75 … that just blew me away! I never dreamed this could be possible … that I could lose this much weight, so quickly, and that I could look so good. My waist has gotten tiny ... and you should see the way my butt looks in my new pair of jeans!

How I Lost 75lbs In Only 12 Weeks With This New Weight Loss System

But the best part is that everyone notices. I see so many heads turning when I walk by. The feeling is absolutely intoxicating! My friends and family all comment how great I look, and even my husband has taken notice. He loves my new body, and our sex life is incredible now! It seems like I can't keep him off of me! My only regret is that I wish I had discovered this amazing diet much sooner … and not wasted so many years being frustrated, miserable, and disgusted with my body.

I must admit, The Change Your Life Diet simply makes sense. It is such a natural way to eat, that I adjusted to it so effortlessly. In hindsight, I can't believe I was so skeptical when my friend first told me about it. But I am here to tell you that the diet really works … and it works fast!

And it's not just about losing weight and looking good. It's so much more that that. It's about conquering your lifelong weight struggles, becoming healthy, and simply being happy in your own skin. This diet system allowed me to get down to a weight I never dreamed possible … all without having to do any exercising or give up any of my favorite foods. It was so easy to follow, and it truly did change my life. I will be forever grateful!

The Change Your Life Diet System is a revolutionary new weight loss system which not only promises to help you lose staggering amounts of weight, quickly and easily… but it Absolutely Guarantees it. So much so, that it is backed by a 60 Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee … so there is Absolutely No Risk To You!

Click Here To Change Your Life Today!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

15 Foods That Burn Fat And Boost Up The Metabolic Rate

15 Foods That Burn Fat And Boost Up The Metabolic Rate

Would like to reduce some unwanted pounds without feeling gloomy and hungry? Eat fastfood - no, not triple decker burgers and french fries, but foods that function just like amphetamines, says a “Men’s Health” article posted on on AOL Health. These foods help burn fat without any subsequent extra running machine time. Take a taste of these 15 metabolism-boosters.

has calcium, which offers a metabolic trigger. A University of Tennessee study found out that those on a diet who eaten 1,200 to 1,300 mg of calcium each day lost more or less double the amount of weight as people on a diet who used less calcium. Milk also is a wealthy source of complex carbohydrates, which often can boost your metabolism by assisting the insulin levels remain low after the meal. And less insulin levels are suitable - larger insulin levels will be the signal in your whole body to hold onto fat.

Wholemeal cereal is known as a very good source of both complex carbs and fiber, these are usually what’s should keep the metabolism pumped by keeping insulin levels low after having a meal. Since insulin spikes help make your body think it’s time to begin storing body fat, eating meals that reduced levels of insulin is practical.

To be able to stockpile fat, State University of New York at Stony Brook nutrition professor Margaret McNurlan, Ph.D., tells AOL, the body slows down your metabolism. This means that you burn a lot fewer calories. The remedy? Eating metabolism-boosting foods - like whole egg.

are really a high supply of fiber, that pushes up your metabolism. And since oatmeal breaks down slowly in your stomach, says AOL Health, it doesn’t cause a big insulin spike the way carbs like bagels do. Oatmeal is often eaten for breakfast, that is definitely a vital meal to consume for anybody who desires to burn fat. Having this specific meal retains insulin development down and revs up the day-to-day calorie burn.Once the U.S. Navy researched the dietary habits and metabolisms of some of its personnel, it discovered that eating breakfast helped increase the men’s metabolisms by around 10 percent. “By skipping meals, you decelerate your metabolism and prime your system to store fat,” McNurlan tells AOL.

include a substance referred to as capsaicin, which not just supplies peppers their pungent flavor but accelerates your heart rate and boosts the metabolism. They’re suitable for spicing up not only meals but healthy snacks, too. Investigation also discovered that eating small snacks helps our bodies not run out of fuel and may eliminate those 3 p.m. slumps at work.

“When you restrict the number of calories your body has for fuel, your metabolic rate can drop temporarily,” Susan Roberts, Ph.D., chief
of the energy-metabolism laboratory at Tufts University. This may make it easier to put on weight - in order to get rid of it again.

incredibly hot chile peppers, are normally found both fresh and dried in spicy foods. A recent study from Laval University in Quebec found that men who taken coffee and red pepper-packed snacks and meals burned almost 1,000 more calories a day compared to the control group.

Pungent, bright red cayenne chiles
in many cases are ground into cayenne pepper, a regular element inside a spicy food. One study found that eating just one spicy meal daily boosts metabolism by as much as 25 %. The calorie burn can last for approximately Three hours after you cease eating.

Green tea
includes a chemical called EGCG that triggers the brain and nervous system to run quicker helping you burn more calories. EGCG works type of like caffeine except that caffeine causes the heart to beat faster. Need super boost to your metabolism? Try combining caffeine and a 90 mg.dose of EGCG three times every day and you will burn an additional 80 calories a day. Researchers found this out, along with the great news that you don’t have to engage in exercise to do this; it occurs as soon as body is sleeping.

Chicken made the "Health"
as it is full of metabolism-boosting protein. Danish researchers learned that men who take protein for just one 5th of their daily carbs elevated the quantity of calories they burned every day by as much as five percent.

Coffee contains caffeine,
that will help speed up your heartrate and thus assists you to burn more calories. And this benefit is supplied in coffee of all kinds, regardless it’s iced, hot or perhaps in a mocha smoothy. Needless to say, the hundreds of calories inside a sugar and fat-rich blended coffee drink can negate whatever heart-boosting benefit the coffee in caffeine imparts, so you may want to consider using skim milk and keeping sweeteners down.

is a good source of protein. The more protein you eat, greater your whole body has to work to digest it. But be smart about pork ingestion, and keep it low fat. Lean pork chops which are grilled and seasoned with fresh herbs really are a superior bet than ribs with barbecue sauce.

Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids,
which can modify the degrees of a hormone inside you called leptin. Lower leptin levels are connected with a higher caloric burn. This fish is fantastic on the grill, sothink of it if it is time to turn up the barbecue this season.Lean beef helps boost your metabolism due to the fact it’s loaded with protein, which demands more calories for you to break down than either fat or carbs. Take into account the key word here: low fat. Meaning keeping away from well marbled T-bone steaks in support of leaner cuts like top round. And in case you want a burger, substitute ground sirloin for higher-fat ground chuck.Consuming tuna may help slow up the degree of the hormone leptin in your body. Lower leptin levels are connected to faster metabolisms - at the very least in mice. University of Wisconsin researchers discovered that mice with low leptin levels have faster metabolisms and burn fat easier than aniamls with larger leptin levels.

is actually a dieter’s buddy because it’s a wonderful supplier of lean protein, which helps boost metabolism. Taking out the skin prior to eating saves additional fat calories, too. Turkey breast can be utilized similar to chicken, so try dicing and using in a stir-fry, cubing and skewering onto kabobs, or grilling.

Sardines are
loaded with fish oil, and French researchers have found that men that replaces six grams of fat with six grams of fish oil lost an average of two pounds in barely 12 weeks. And by the way, if you hate fish, don't worry. Fish-oil tablets may actually work equally efficiently as the real thing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Brian Flatt Announces The 3 Week Diet - A Scientifically Proven Diet Plan

 the 3 week diet plan

More and more people are finding success with the 3 week diet that was created by Brian Flatt, personal trainer and nutritionist. This particular diet program has been helping people lose between 12 and 23 pounds in just three weeks or 21 days.
According to author the 3 week diet has been scientifically tested and found to work on all types of people, regardless of their fitness level or body type. On average, people lose between 12 and 23 pounds using the diet, although reports have also suggested the actual amount is a lot higher. What really sets this diet apart, however, is that it is not a crash diet, but rather a way of changing a lifestyle.

Brian Flatt Announces The 3 Week Diet - A Scientifically Proven Diet Plan

"We have implemented the 3 pound rule in our program," added Brian Flatt. "This basically means that, after completing the three week diet, people start with it again if they gain 3 pounds in weight. As a result, the weight will always stay off."
Brian Flatt is a fitness instructor, a health coach and a sporting dietician who has been in the wellness and fitness field for several years. He is the manager of REV Fitness, a personal training center located in Southern California. Brian is a certified dietitian who in this program details exactly what women and men must to do in order to stay fit and healthy. This program focuses on the body weight loss trifecta of motivation, dieting and exercise and is designed to produce effective outcomes. This diet program is designed for individuals who do not want to go through severe diet plans and want to adhere to the excellent healthy tips indicated in his program.

Brian Flatt Announces The 3 Week Diet - A Scientifically Proven Diet Plan

Those who are interested to find out more about Brian's program and learn more about what this weight loss system includes can visit his website. This explains products like the introduction manual, diet manual, workout manual, and mindset and motivation manual. All of these books include instructive and useful information on how to get the most out of the diet, what type of nutrition is best suited for weight loss, as well as motivational tips and tricks to keep users going throughout the weight loss process. The workout manual, for example, includes important information on how to exercise for burning fat, rather than just doing random workout routines which may help tone after weight loss but won't get rid of stubborn fat while working toward weight loss goals.

A Scientifically Proven Diet Plan: This particular diet program has been helping people lose between 12 and 23 pounds in just three weeks or 21 days.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

4 Tips To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Men And Women

 The fastest way to lose belly fat for men and women

Are you struggling with your belly fat and trying to figure out the best way on how to lose belly fat fast? There are several reasons which are responsible for accumulation of fat in your belly therefore the trick on how to lose belly fat fast lies in controlling the intake of products which add to your belly fat at the same time taking other precautionary measures in order to lose all belly fat fast and get slim and slender. Read on to discover some of the best ways to lose belly fat and appear healthy.
Do sit up's
Sit up's are the easiest and the most effective way to lose belly fat fast and achieve the desired results within no time. Belly fat is basically stored energy therefore in order to lose belly fat you need to burn more calories than you actually consume. Therefore in order to get the best results and lose that belly fat fast you need to do sit up's as this is the single most effective exercise which works on almost all body types.
4 Tips To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Men And Women

Cut fried stuff
In order to lose belly fat fast you need to cut off on some foods along with proper exercise. Fried food is known to be the fastest ingredient to gaining belly fat. Fried food mostly contains empty calories which are poor in nutrient value thereby only providing you with calories and nothing else which add to your belly fat.
No snacking
Snacking is one of the best ways to stack up that belly fat. Especially late night snacking is known to be the worst ever when it comes to belly fat. The reason why late night snacking adds a lot to your belly fat is simply due to the fact that normally when it's late people do not do anything much as in a physical activity after snacking which normally tends to stack up on their belly.
4 Tips To Lose Belly Fat Fast For Men And Women

Burn it
Belly fat is mostly unused energy which accumulates in the form of fat in our belly. Therefore you burning of this unused energy is very important in order to lose that belly fat. The best way to do this is to walk as much as possible. Always make it a point to go for long walks everyday and if you don't have much time than try to walk up and down the stairs a lot. Climbing stairs is one of the best ways to lose that belly fast real fast.


Thursday, April 23, 2015

7 Great Tips For Fast And Permanent Weight Loss

 7 great tips for fast and permanent weight loss

The quick weight loss tips that I'm about to share with you are effective, they're safe and most importantly they work! The only catch is you have to put them to work! Ready? Good, here are your tips...

Tip #1 Think Long Term
I know, I know. These are supposed to be tips for fast weight loss.
Let me explain...
Many people quit their weight loss program when they fail to see results quick enough. Thinking long term will help keep you going.
Also, many people try unhealthy diets or unsafe pills and supplements that promise easy and rapid weight loss.
There are many diets that do cause quick weight loss. The thing is the results rarely ever last because all they do is mess up your metabolism, setting you up to eventually gain all the weight back.
Having a long term view will help you avoid short term unhealthy solutions.

Tip #2: Set A Goal
Losing weight can be a big challenge. You might have to make some drastic changes to your current lifestyle and you have to stay motivated.
Set an exciting weight loss goal and you're more likely to stay motivated to do the necessary things to lose the weight.
7 Great Tips For Fast And Permanent Weight Loss

Tip #3 Follow An Expert
I strongly recommend hiring a good Fitness Trainer. He or she will teach you how to workout correctly, eat right, and keep you motivated.
Trainers don't come cheap - especially good ones. I think it's a worthy investment if it leads to an improvement in your health and how you look and feel.
If the expense is too much, consider working with the Trainer once or twice a month for program design and instruction. That's much cheaper than seeing him or her 2 or 3 times a week.
Alternatively you can buy a few good highly reviewed instructional books and/or dvds.

Tip #4 Eat For Weight Loss
This might be the most important quick weight loss tip. You should set an eating schedule and have your meals planned ahead of time.
Why set an eating schedule?
To lose weight quickly your metabolism needs to be fired up all day.
The best way you can make that happen is to eat four to six small meals a day spaced 3 to 4 hours apart. Setting a schedule will help you avoid going long periods without eating. This is crucial for quick weight loss.
Have healthy, balanced meals preplanned. If you spend time wondering what your next meal will be you'll end up eating fattening fast food or skipping meals.
Trust me, that will kill your results.
Prepare meals that combine complex carbohydrates, protein and good fat.
Do you ever read food labels? If not, you won't lose weight quickly if you don't start. Read labels so you can limit your intake of saturated fats, trans fats, sodium and sugar.

Tip #5 Make A Workout Plan
Your workout plan should include two things:
1. the days and times you will exercise
2. the exact workout that you're going to do each day
To lose weight fast you have to plan for it!
7 Great Tips For Fast And Permanent Weight Loss

Tip #6 Have A Balanced Exercise Program
A balanced exercise program includes cardiovascular exercise, weight training and stretching.

Tip #7 Get A Workout Partner or Join A Support Group
This is one of the best quick weight loss tips that I can offer you.
Most likely you know others who want to lose weight - family members, co-workers, friends...
Having a partner can have a positive influence on your results.
You can help each other stay motivated and hold each other accountable. If one of you doesn't feel like working out, the other person can give a push. If you're craving that bowl of ice cream, your partner can remind you that it will ruin the hard workout that you struggled through.
Now, put these quick weight loss tips to use and I guarantee you'll lose that weight!


Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight

 The Fastest Way To Lose weight In 2015

Losing weight in a short space of time has always been thought of as a near impossible task. For years, doctors and dieticians have told the public that it takes months and sometimes even years of hard work to see any progress with weight loss, or to sculpt the perfect body. But that is simply not true at all.

The human body is highly adaptable and able to change in extremely short periods of time. Think about. If people can quickly gain mass amounts of fat from weeks of unhealthy eating, shouldn’t they be able to lose a lot weight rapidly from weeks of healthy eating? Well, they definitely can.

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight In 2015 Within 21 Days

But what do you need to eat to lose the weight rapidly? From low-carb, to low-fat, to sugar-free, to high protein, and even the ‘caveman’ diet – there are so many options out there that it can be extremely confusing to the average person on which diet you should use to quickly lose weight. Some of these diets even provide conflicting information on what you should and shouldn’t eat. Well, that’s all about to change.

For years, A-list celebrities and professional athletes have been following a secret diet not revealed to the public. This diet is so effective that people have been able to lose over 23 pounds of pure body fat in just 21 days from following it. That’s more than 1 pound of body fat per day! Now, that diet has been made public by acclaimed nutritionist and personal trainer Brian Flatt.

The Fastest Way To Lose Weight In 2015 Within 21 Days

Titled ‘The 3 Week Diet’, Brian’s system reveals to people exactly how they can rapidly lose over 1 pound of body weight per day. The diet doesn’t involve starving yourself or exercising like crazy, but instead follows a specific scientific method of including certain nutrient rich foods into your diet that, when combined, offer special fat-combating properties. You don’t need to restrict yourself to certain types of foods like ‘no carbs’ or ‘no sugar’, but rather include ‘the good stuff’ as well to help burn the fat. This diet is extremely effective and based off years of scientific research and testing to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

Brian has revealed step-by-step how to follow this diet for 21 days to see these amazing results. He has laid out every food you need to include in your diet, and when you need to eat them. The diet is incredibly easy to follow, with very little work involved. If you are looking to lose weight fast, The 3 Week Diet is definitely something you should consider. No other diet out there today promises such fast results, and is able to deliver them too.

Visit The 3 Week Diet website to before and after photos of people who have followed the diet for 21 days. You too, can see similar results in as little as 2 days if you start right now!

Click Here To Visit The Official 3 Week Diet Website

Fastest Way To Lose Weight - The 3 Week Diet - How To Lose Weight Quickly

Monday, March 23, 2015

How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

 How To Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

Belly fat, or visceral fat, is an especially harmful type of fat that sits around your organs. The first 2 weeks of belly fat loss are the most important, because changes to diet and exercise can result in relatively large weight loss in a short time. Learn the truth about how the body stores and removes belly fat, then adjust your lifestyle for maximum fat reduction.

How To Lose Belly Fat In 2 Weeks

1. Debunking Belly Fat Myths

Don’t try to isolate the stomach muscles. Belly fat, like other body fat, cannot be spot reduced. Body fat will need to be removed with a combination of diet and exercise from all areas of your body where it is stored.

Don't starve yourself. Eating too little will tell your body to go into fat storage mode, so eat breakfast, healthy snacks and fresh meals. Women should not eat less than 1,500 calories per day, while men should not eat less than 1,700 calories.

Focus on more than diet and exercise. Even though these are essential parts of the equation, sleep and stress play crucial roles in reducing belly fat. Little sleep and high stress, tell your body to produce cortisol hormone, which tells your body to store fat in your mid-section.

Refuse to base your actions on a cleanse or liquid diet. Cleanses are usually only effective for weight loss when combined with a healthy diet, while liquid diets do not give you the nutrients you need for lasting weight loss. Choose to change your eating habits to fresh produce, lean protein and whole grains instead.

Don’t expect even weight loss. You are going to lose more inches on your belly in the first 2 weeks than subsequent weeks if you stay dedicated to a weight loss routine. If you are at least 15 lbs. (6.8 kg) over your ideal weight, you should see significant results in the first 2 weeks and belly reduction may be harder afterward.

Remember that not all fat is the same. Belly fat that is stored around your organs is called visceral fat, and it increases your chances of diabetes, heart disease and cancer. If you store fat in your thighs, buttocks or arms, scientists believe it may be more healthy for you than a “beer belly.”

2. Eating For Belly Reduction

Eat more protein. Ideally, all your proteins should be lean, such as egg whites, fish, chicken or cuts of red meat with very little marbling or fat. Protein requires more energy for your body to digest it and it builds muscle.
  • Building muscles will help you burn fat. They speed up your metabolism, burning fat exponentially as you grow stronger. Remember this when you plan your exercise routine.
Eat more of the right kinds of foods. Replace white breads, pastas, fatty meats and sugars with fruits and vegetables. Your plate may be more full than it was before, as long 1/2 to 2/3 of the meal is vegetables.

Go shopping each Sunday. Shop along the perimeter of the grocery store and shop for produce with a wide variety of colors. For the next 2 weeks, only buy whole grains, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

Add low-fat dairy to your diet. Protein-rich Greek yogurt, skim milk and even low-fat cheese can make you feel full and reduce calcitriol, a hormone that increases fat storage. Eat at least 6 oz. of yogurt per day, choosing unsweetened or minimally sweetened products over sweeter versions.

Replace your processed grains with whole grains. However, instead of simply buying whole wheat bread, eat quinoa, oatmeal, apples, bananas, flax and wild rice. These fiber sources appear to help digestion, flush the system and help with fat reduction.

Choose your fat. Try to replace all of your fat with monosaturated fat for the next few weeks. This is the fat in nuts, olives and olive oil, flaxseed and avocados. [7]
  • Choose snacks that are rich in whole grains, protein and mono-saturated fat. For example, a protein smoothie with Greek yogurt, almond butter and oatmeal or a slice of seeded whole grain bread covered in peanut butter will fill you up longer and provide much-needed nutrients.

3. Exercising For Fat Loss

Choose vigorous exercise. When it comes to burning body fat, not every exercise is created equal. For the next 2 weeks, choose high-intensity workouts like running, swimming laps, road cycling, rowing or boot camp over easy to moderate exercise.

Do strength training 6 times in the next 2 weeks. This works out to 3 times a week, every other day. Start with 4 to 5 lb. (1.8 to 2.3 kg) free weights and move up to 7 lbs. (3.2 kg) if you are comfortable with it.
  • Choose weight machines over free weights, if you do not know proper form.
  • Always flex your core as you do the exercise. Don’t arch your back. The act of flexing your stomach will help you build stomach muscles and define your belly.
  • Lift weights for at least 30 minutes at a time.
  • Start with simple and well-known exercises like bicep curls, push-ups, pull-ups, tricep curls, flys, chest presses.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 to 10 exercises. You should use enough weight to fatigue your muscles and need a rest after each 3-set exercise.
Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This means you incorporate the act of sprinting during your cardio session for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Give yourself 2 to 4 minutes between sprints. Remember to include a 5-minute warm up and cool down where you remain at an easy to moderate intensity during your workout.
  • Even walking can be adjusted for an HIIT workout. Do 3 shorter, fast-paced interval walks (alternating faster walking with a few slower periods) and 2 walks at moderate intensity each week. You will burn 3 to 5 times more visceral (belly) fat. 
  • After 2 weeks of belly fat burning, you can reduce your workout time to 20 minutes and increase the vigorousness of your sprints to get similar benefits.
Do cardio for at least 30 minutes. You usually burn carbohydrates until you hit the 20-minute mark and start to reduce your fat stores. For bigger weight loss, extend your high-intensity training to 45 minutes 5 times per week over the next 2 weeks.

Try a core class. Pilates, barre, core burning classes and some yoga styles focus on building your stomach and back muscles. Building these muscles through special exercises, in addition to weight lifting, will help you burn more fat each week.

How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks