Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Do sit ups really reduce belly? Find out!

Do sit ups really reduce belly? Find out!A lot of workout tutorials include sit ups. But are sit ups really helpful in belly fat reduction? Here are a few things that one should know before relying only on sit ups for belly fat reduction.

Sit ups burn overall fat: If you think that doing sit ups alone will help you get a flat stomach, then you are mistaken. Sit ups won't target your belly specifically but it can help you lose fat in general. Doing sit ups at a moderate intensity for 10 minutes without rest burns as much as 60 calories. Your weight also has a big role to play. If you weigh less than 68 kilos, you will burn lesser calories in the stipulated time and if you weigh more, you will burn more calories if you do seven sit ups in one minute.

Spot reduction through sit ups is a myth: Reduction of belly fat requires a regime of a few balanced exercises. So, if you want to get rid of fat from your belly, the first thing that you should do is include lunges, leg raises, twist crunches and reverse crunches in your workout regime.

Other benefits of sit ups: While sit ups might not be the best option for losing fat overall, they do offer a lot of other benefits. It strengthens the core and helps build abdominal muscles. Having more muscles will increase the amount of calories that your body burns, which will help you burn fat. Also, building your abdominal muscles will firm up your stomach, and thereby give you the sculpted look. But that is only possible once the fat is gone. So, include other exercises like crunches and plank in your fitness regime. It also helps strengthen your thigh muscles. So, if you are one of those struggling with cellulite in thighs, sit ups are your best bet.

Click Here To Find Out More About Losing Belly Fat


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